Payroll DeductionMake loan payments automatically, make deposits to your savings accounts, build your IRA -- all using Payroll Deduction. Whether it's your Auto Loan, Home Equity Loan, Personal Loan , or any other credit union loan, paying is easy. Simply designate the amounts of monthly payments that you want deducted from your pay and your payments are made. No late charges. No running to the mail box. No hassle. Guarantee "no excuses" savings, too. Deposits can be made to savings accounts and club accounts automatically with this service. And your IRA financial planning is easier with the automatic Payroll Deduction option at Tri-Point. Payroll Deduction is another Tri--Point Money Management Service that is convenient and FREE! Combine it with Direct Deposit and Share Draft/Checking for a really convenient money management team. For more information on this convenient service from your credit union, call us or visit us at our office. |