Savings Dividends

Rates effective as of 10/01/13
Rates are reviewed at Monthly Board of Directors Meeting, and subject to change depending on market conditions.
Call for up to the minute details.
Savings Dividends Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield

Tiered Share Account*
(Monthly Dividend/Variable Rate)



Amount ($5.00 - $9,999.99)
0.01% 0.01%
Amount ($10,000.00+ Over)
0.01% 0.01%

Club Accounts (X-80 / X-90)



(Monthly Dividend/Variable Rate)
Accumulation Account (No Term)

0.01% 0.01%

Share Draft Accounts*

(non-interest bearing)

*View Disclosures 1 The rates, fees, and terms applicable to your account at the Credit Union are provided in this Rate and Fee Schedule. The Credit Union may offer other rates for these accounts from time to time.

Certificates of Deposit/IRA Certificates of Deposit

Due to current market investment conditions, we are not offering Certificates of Deposit at this time. Based on these conditions changing, Certificates will be made available at a later date.